Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Pathlight’s Superheroes on a Wild Adventure

Pathlight’s Superheroes on a Wild Adventure

On 8 March, 2 classes from Primary 2 were invited to attend The Superhero We “Wild Child” Festival 2018, an exciting arts festival at the Enabling Village. A joint venture between the Lien Foundation and Enabling Village, the Festival brought kids of all abilities together through music, movement and art.

 By harnessing the power of creativity through the arts, children were empowered to embrace their innate identities. They were also taught not to fear of those different from them and to socialize in a supportive, affirmative environment.

 Students learnt to build a sense of group solidarity through fun solo, pair and group dance exercises. They also worked in groups to complete a treasure hunt. It was a wild adventure that brought out the Hero in everyone!

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